David & Jonathan
Modern, alternate re-telling of the Biblical story of King David and Jonathan from Samuel I & II from the perspective they're lovers as can be interpreted through the readings.
Key phrases that would support the claim include the passages “Jonathan was bound to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him like his own soul.” [1 Samuel 18:1]. Near the end of the book, the Bible mentions that “they kissed each other” and Jonathan said to David: “The Lord shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants forever.” [1 Samuel 20:41-42].
Antagonist within the book would be King Saul who is the the father of Jonathan. After being de-throned by David for defeating Goliath showcases hatred and disgust for the two. Overall,. I believe it would be a very interesting film concept with a positive message as God is noted saying that David is a true hero for all.
Want to collaborate?
Contact here if interested in finalising the script.
In development from 21 February 2010.