Eurovision 2014
Entering my second year in university and as a press editor producing articles and live-blogs, I was offered a role in Copenhagen in the website's press delegation during the promotion weeks and live shows at Eurovision. Having accepted, I made it my main goal to learn all that I possibly could in the short space of time while completing my university coursework alongside.
Copenhagen was a unique experience from the daily security and pass clearances to the new roles and responsibilities given to me. This has since been my main learning in regards to working within the contest. Throughout the two weeks, I produced rehearsal blogs with recordings, took video interviews and produced summary articles.
In reflection, this event provided me with the insight and stamina to produce the best content possible within the short time conceivable. I was able to start to lead and manage rather than needed to be supervised. Through this and the following years of experience, I could consider artist management.
Completed on 10 May 2014.